Tuesday, April 27, 2004

Devoted to the Devotional

      So,here I am going through my "virtual mail"(E-mail),and I run across some "devotional",or religious material. I give it a look,and toss it out. You may have guessed that I am not very religious. To each his own. I have heard people yelling "what is up with these ' religious nuts'"? You tell me. They are just trying to show you something,stupid. Let them be,I do. I am of the mindset that says"do your own thing,just do no harm".

        People tell me that God will strike me down for not going to church. Well kiss my ass. God is all-seeing,so He knows right where I live. He has my address,He knows my phone number,He might even have my E-mail,too! Jesus once said something along the lines that He is in every tree,under every rock,in every thing you see. If that is so,then I am surronded by God Himself! I don't need to go to your big,fancy church. If you believe there is a God,then I believe that you already praise,or worship him. Me??? I'm not sure.

       My best friend here in town is a preacher. That's right,a good,old fashioned preacher. He knows me very well,and I have only gone to his church just one time. He was at my daughter's wedding,he was there when both of her children were born.Because he "should be"? No,because he WANTED to be. He knows I won't go to church.....and he never bugs me about it. When he sees me,we talk about all kinds of things; but never going to church. Like I said,he knows me very well.

              This could get very long,so I will just say this,if you believe,I am happy for you. If you don't,then you don't. I will never try to convince anyone that God exists,it isn't my job,and it isn't your's,either. From what I have learned,they must know in their hearts.

         The only reason I say God is because I know very little if anything about other religions,and would rather not offend someone by saying something wrong, so I prefer to admit a lack of knowledge of such things............more later.

                          Holla' If You Hear Me!!!

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