Sunday, April 4, 2004

A Challenge xxx

       Alright! I hear ya' screamin';so I missed a day.  Boo-Hoo! Settle down, I am back now,so quit your cryin'. Today's title is "A Challenge",and so it will be.

         One thing you must know about a bunch of bikers: You NEVER challenge one of the members in front of the other "brothers". It just doesn't happen. If it does,things get ugly very quickly! I learned this the hard way,one day.This was one of those "life-lessons";the ones that usually involved LOTS of pain.

          Seems I had a dispute with my uncle about some stupid s$%t,I can't even remember what it was.Steve(my uncle)had warned me on the way to the "clubhouse" that night to shut-up about it. I just couldn't let it go...again,I can't seem to recall just why I needed to press the issue.But press it I did.

            As it happened,I just couldn't keep it in any longer,and it came out of me in the form of a challenge,right in front of everyone else! Looking back,I was ill prepared to back up my challenge,but it was too late. The gauntlet was thrown down,my uncle MUST pick it up;even if it was me. From the time I opened my mouth,I was doomed.

        Steve gave me the first shot at him;it was the last one I would get that night.It wasn't even a fight---just a quick,clean,nasty a$$-whuppin'. It only took about three minutes,but it felt like three years.Steve never said he was sorry;he shouldn't have. I was the one who said I wanted to be treated like a man;that is just what I got that night.

        Ahhh,those "life-lessons";I am so glad that they only need to be learned just the one time! More later.

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