Monday, June 25, 2007

How Can This Be?

 If that last rant wasn't enough for you, I just found out that one of wrestling's superstars is dead. Chris Benoit, his wife, and his son, were found this morning in their Atlanta home, dead. Police are investigating, and that is all that I know at this point. I had to tune in to see wrestling tonight, and found this out.


         There has been nothing in the news on the internet about this today. It's a shame, really. If this were some overpaid, prima donna football or basketball star, it would be all over the news. But it wasn't. I had to go to the W.W.E. website to find out anything! That is just sad. This man had over 22 years in pro wrestling. But to find his wife and child dead with him? What fucking sicko could have done this? What was I just saying about what is happening in this world. Say what you will about pro wrestling, I personally know that your notions are wrong. I was a "pro" wrestler for just over a year. It was the hardest "job" I ever had. More physically demanding than anything I ever did.


            You don't last as long in the business as Mr. Benoit did without a little something "upstairs". It just doesn't happen. And now, to hear that he and his family have died senselessly. What the fuck is wrong with people? This man never hurt anyone, his wife and child certainly never hurt anyone! If they were murdered(the cops aren't talking, just yet), I hope the scum that did it gets fried. I hate the loss of any life, but the scum responsible for this travesty NEED DESPERATELY to die. No mercy, no stays, no fuckin' around. And, just like I said before, they will end up with little time for this. I am just pissed off that someone, an entire family for that fact, could be killed IN THEIR HOME. I really hate the world, and a lot of the people in it.  Senseless, just senseless.


 :-(Holla' If You Hear Me!!!:-(

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