Friday, November 19, 2004

World Domination??

  It would seem that the "Bush War Machine" just keeps on rolling merrily along, thanks to all of you dick-heads who voted for him! Now, the machine has turned it's eye toward Iran, with an ever more threatening look.

     Did I miss something here? Am I the only one to notice that Mr. Bush's cabinet is jumping ship faster than rats on a sinking boat? You don't quit the cabinet AFTER your man wins the election....WTF???

     Is any of this sinking into your collective thick heads?? And now, Mr. Bush wants to challenge China? Has he forgotten that we had our ass handed to us back in the early 50's, over in Korea? And now, he wants to take over, or at least try to intimidate China, no less?  Can he say, Vietnam??

      I damn sure can! I had an uncle over there! I can remember being the only six (6) year old on my block that actually watched the evening news, EVERYDAY,  just to see the soldiers on tv! I always hoped I would see my uncle. I never did, but he did come home alive; if you could call it "living".

        Did we learn nothing from the Russians in the mid-east in the eighties? They got THEIR ASSES handed to them, also. Somewhere in a little country called Afghanistan....ring any bells?

        We are in another Vietnam, and Mr. Bush wants to make it a "multi-faceted-war". Some asshole, back in 2001, decided to give Mr. Bush **FULL CONTROL** of ALL decisions made  in this country. He now has more power than ANY American president to date!

     I just can't say this enough times; "WAKE THE FUCK UP"!!!!!!! On another note, do you even KNOW how many innocent civillians have died in Afghanistan, and Iraq? Rolled over by Bush's war machine! You don't care, because they are mid-eastern? Think about how angry YOU were on Sept. 11, 2001. Multiply that times 10,000. That is how much THEY hate US!

        Hate cuts both ways. Do you buy that shit they are feeding you on the news services? That all of these people were just waiting for "America" to come and save them? Have you NEVER heard of the Armed forces "big-wigs" staging these things??  Again, I ask, can you say Vietnam?

     Everyone wanted revenge for Sept. 11, 2001. Has killing ANY of these people brought back even ONE of the Americans that were lost on that day? Has it? Is the loss of countless U.S. soldiers worth this so-called "revenge"?  NO.

         "Revenge is a dish best served cold". I always viewed this statement to mean wait, cool down, and figure out your options BEFORE you take action. NO ONE has done this in this case!

    If you keep sticking your head in the sand, then WHO will watch your ass? Of course, YOU trust George W. Bush to keep it safe...........dumbass.


Anonymous said...

WOW! Pretty heavy John. I guess I'm a dumb ass. I voted for Bush. I see your point, but I guess what I'm trying to say is: As a member of the NSDAR(National Society Daughters of the American Revolution) It is my duty to uphold the Constitution including the right to bear arms and support the president and our troops no matter what his decision. Your right, the war hasn't brought any of our victims back, but if we don't take care of this crap now, our children and generations to come will have a much harder job. Our forefathers fought and some lost their lives for us and I'm more than happy to do the same for mine.  If we were to let 9/11 go, that's just it, we wouldn't and it's about time someone has the backbone to stand up to Terrorist and such. The reason we use war is to get down to their level of reasoning. You can't talk to these 3rd world people, they don't understand unless it involves violence. It will takes centuries to civilize these people so that we can talk peace.

Our men and women in the military joined because they wanted to and war is a part of the military. They had a choice and American's say our troops shouldn't be over in Iraq, well that's why they joined - to protect the United States of America. Whatever happened to being proud to serve our country? You may say, but this war was unnecessary, all wars are unnecessary when you look at it.

This is just an opinion, my opinion. I know this is a touchy topic with a lot of people, but remember, we are all American's and we love our country, some just differently. Thanks for letting me voice my feelings. Love ya

Anonymous said...

  Please, when you (anyone) read this, know ONE thing for certain.....I support our troops in everything they do. I, however, DO NOT support the wholesale slaughter of innocent civillians (no matter WHAT country they are from), nor do I support the slaughter of our young troops, because some stupid-ass "Military Planner" has NOT done his/her homework.

     The troops in the field KNOW what needs to be hit, some pencil-pushing geek back in D.C. has no idea what is going on in the battlefield.  Besides, it is just STUPID to think that you can reason with most of these pople, mainly the ones with the weapons. Make no mistake, I am all for letting the armor loose in the streets, kill anything that moves...leave it to the troop commanders in the field. The troops have morals, and standards. They KNOW what a combatant is, and what a civvie is. I believe there would be far less blood-shed. Toss in a few Army, and Marine snipers, and this mess would be over with quickly.

    Here's an even better idea......LEAVE NOW!! Let them kill each other, that way, Allah can sort them out!!

Anonymous said...

I agree with you on this one John. I think it should be left up to the commander. If our troops would just continue to bulldoze they're way through Iraq, we'd be finished by now! The US goes in real hard and as soon as we make some progress, D.C. tells them to back off a while. Bush Sr. should have kept going too, maybe we wouldn't be in Iraq today.