Monday, November 22, 2004


  OK, I spent the day in town with my wife. We had a lovely day, and got along swimmingly. So, enough of that fairy tale, we always get along. BUT, I saw something that TOTALLY disgusted me. And that ain't easy.

    We were headed into one of the stores to shop, there was a "man" outside, ringing a bell for the Salvation Army. No biggie, it's that time of year. I looked at this guy, right in his eyes, because he was damn sure lookin' at me. This was not a nice person. You could tell if you just looked past his exterior....I have seen his type before; so have you.

  You know the drill....haggard looking, hasn't shaved in a week, greasy hair, smelly, and he reeked of alcohol. Stay with me....As we were standing there, waiting to go in, he spots a young girl with three(3) small children(the oldest couldn't have been much over 4 years old). He called to her...not once, but three (3) times. She actually went to him.

      Never mind the fact that they knew nothing of one-another, forget the fact that he might be a criminal, forget the fact that he is obviously an alcoholic....she walked right up to him with those three children!  The FIRST statement out of his mouth was..."Don't you have someone to spend the holidays with"? (he couldn't see the three children???)

       Here is where it gets REALLY STUPID. This girl starts acting very "coy", and answering his questions! I saw a mother of three small children actually go into what I call "school-girl mode". I couldn't believe it! We finally went in to the store, but not before I had already seen far too much!

       It should be legal to go up and kick someone in the ass when they are doing something STUPID!! If this "girl" wants to place herself in a bad position with what is an obvious predator, fine, go for it. But, I have to wonder how much those children will suffer because their mom wants a quick lay.

       Think about what you do. Do you REALLY want another generation of people like me? Do you even realize that I WILL NOT shake hands with people I haven't met before? Did you know that I do not hug people?? I find it repulsive. I don't "high-five" with people. And NO ONE touches me. Only my wife, daughters, and grand-children get to do that. It comes from a TOTAL lack of trust for others.

     People tell me you can't go through life without human contact. I seem to do just fine without it. If I could just stay at home, I would be fine. If I go out, I am on constant alert, never missing ANYTHING. How could this girl not have some type of "radar", or something, to keep her safe?? How can people be so stupid, maybe "ignorant" is a better word for it??

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