Saturday, July 8, 2006

A Very Good Day

    I have just spent a few hours at my oldest daughter's house. They are having a big cook-out for her, Friday was her birthday. They killed a pig to cook early this morning, and had plenty of beer on tap!!! I can see some of you in the back---"Ahhh!!! They killed a little pig!!!". No, it was a BIG ONE!!! Shut up! We eat meat in this part of the country. We aren't some panty-waisted 100 pound "vegans".


            I had a great time. Of course, my wife wasn't in attendence...her "friends" at work take precedence over her family every time! I hope she had fun breaking her daughter's heart! even my son-in-law, with whom I rarely agree, said it was strange for my wife not to come. Not strange, I said, just her way right now. She will come to find that her "friends" are not all that she thinks they are!


               In the meantime, her family suffers the consequences. Our grandson won't hardly even play with my wife---he barely knows her! Such is the sad ending for 24 years of marriage. Oh, and for those of you who disagree with me....bite me!!!


                Holla' If You Hear Me!!!

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