Monday, July 17, 2006

Man and Machine---or "Manchine"

   "Manchine"; (noun), The convergence of a human man and a technological machine. Like the bonding of a Biker to his motorcycle....two become one. It happens, just ask any Biker that has spent more than a few weeks in the saddle.


            Today's cowboys ARE the bikers!  That same feeling of independence, of freedom, and personal pride. As the cowboys of olden times became one with their horses, so does a Biker with his machine. Women? They come and go. Don't ever ask a Biker to give up his ride for a rarely ever happens. I gave up my ride for a woman, I have regretted that day every day since then.


               But, we live and we learn; sometimes too late, but we learn. I have just learned that with diabetes, one can never get another, you want to talk about things that suck? That right there sucks harder than a Hoover!!!!!  Yep, seems a tattoo is just a big open wound begging for an infection!! Yeah, some things REALLY SUCK HARD!  Ahhhh, fuck it! Life goes inexorably on. For what reason, I cannot fathom! (lol)


            Alright, before I get too far into a "downer", I would like to say that I\we had a great weekend. The only damper on the whole thing was the temperature---100 degrees and over, same today!!! It is bitchin' hot outside. So, if you park your scooter anywhere near my house, put a towel on your seat, and a bungie cord over it to hold it on. There is nothing worse than tossin' back a few cold ones with a local Bro, and then hopping on a bike seat that is about 200 degrees!!! Talk about "rump roast"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                     Holla' If You Hear Me!!!

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