Thursday, July 20, 2006

How High?

      So, here we are more than 30 years after lowering the national  speed limit to conserve gas, and we are actually raising the damn thing now!


           Now, in a time of record gas prices, we are RAISING the speed limit! In a time of HUGE gas guzzling machines(spelled SUV), we are raising the limit! In a time after our beloved Ronald Regan shut down ALL of the "wildcat" and "maverick" oil wells in America. In a time when Mr. Bush owns oil wells in the UAE(United Arab Emirates)?  Am I the only one to cry "foul" at this point? "Sweet Crude" my aunt Fanny's Ass!!! Something stinks here!


            Why now? Why now when EVERY single oil producing nation in the Mid East hates the U.S.? Why now that we have pissed them all off so bad that oil goes for $75.00 a barrell? Why do we export the same amount of oil that we import? What about all the oil in Alaska that we ship out to other countries? What about old, and poor people(of which I am one), that are found dead in their homes lately because they can't afford heating oil?


                What the fuck is going on in this country? I can tell you what is going on...the people are being fucked over by the assholes in Washington, D.C.!!!!! That's right, Mr. Bush included! I say fire the whole bunch, and bring back what Mr. Lincoln called "government of the people, by the people, and FOR the people".  He reminded us that the men who died in the civil war of 1861 to 1865 did so to insure that this kind of government would never cease to exist! I hate to see him be made into a liar!


                           Holla' If You Hear Me!!!

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