Tuesday, May 9, 2006

Can This Be Real??

   I have a couple of questions, feel free to jump in at any time to "enlighten" me, if you wish. First question; If you are guilty of a crime and you go to court and plead "not guilty", shouldn't you be charged with perjury? Lying in open court is perjury. If you are guilty, and you KNOW you are  but you say you are NOT guilty, then that is perjury.


         Now, obviously, I know that you are not required to implicate yourself in open court...that is why we have the fifth ammendment. But, if you say you aren't guilty, and you know you are, why can't you just plead the fifth? Saying that you are not guilty when you plainly know that you are is lying!


            The other question; when will church and state be seperated in court? Our children can't say prayers in school, but you have to put your hand on a bible and SWEAR to tell the truth in court?!?! And what about all that flap about some judge having the ten commandments outside a large court a couple of years ago??? This momument was REMOVED by the GOVERNMENT, yet everyday, people had to place their hands on a bible, and swear to tell the truth???


               Ever look at a dollar bill? "In God We Trust" is on nearly EVERY piece of money that Americans use. Does that sound like the seperation of church and state? I think not! If you won't give school kids the right to pray at school, then take religion out of the courts, also! Besides, I have seen far too many people put their hand on that "Holy Book", only to lie through their teeth. And far too many of those have been our "leaders".


                      Holla' If You Hear Me!!!

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