Saturday, June 12, 2004

Out Of Town

  I know that I have missed some days,now. Get over it,shit happens! I had to make a road-trip to Missouri to try to get my mother's affairs in order,and to have her body shipped to my grandmother in Michigan,where she was born. I hate dealing with "official" types...they can be a pain in the ass!

   I still have not stated my mother's name,and will never do it,sorry,get over it. She is gone now,so I would never put her name in print. I spent the last three days on the road. I am tired,and worn out. It is an eight hour drive to where she lived.

     I have been totally confused in this matter....I should be sad that my mother has passed on,and I am,a little. I also feel relieved,because she could be so damn mean at times;actually,most of the time. I know I shouldn't feel that way,but I do. When I started this journal,I promised people only the truth,and you deserve that. I just don't know how I am supposed to feel about all of this. Maybe I can sort it all out,sooner or later.

      I don't know what else to say about all of this,maybe some of you have some ideas? Questions,comments,abusive remarks----let me hear 'em.

                                           Holla' If You Hear Me!!!

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