Tuesday, June 1, 2004


       I was informed today that my mother is in a coma in a hospital in Missouri.....I don't know what I should feel.....I am a horrible monster,and I know it. The doctors don't give her much of a chance to live....none,actually.

           My God,what have I become.......?


Anonymous said...

John you are not a monster you are a kind loving husband . And I will tell anyone that you are not a monster ,your mom has put you through a lot.Just hang in there I will always be here for you no matter what.You have been there for me even when my dad commit suicide, and when my mom has hurt my so bad with what she is doing .No one has been there for me accept you.I love and appreciate you so much. John I am here for you with open arms .We will  go through this together. I thank God every day for you because  you are my whole life .I just had to tell you this .Don't beat your self up over this your mom did this to her self.John I just wanted to tell you that you are no monster.

Love Always And Forever Your Loving Wife Shirleen

Anonymous said...

yall are making me cry