Tuesday, May 18, 2004


   Hmmmm....missed Monday. Sometimes even a great word-monger like myself has nothing to say. But now,for the really scary news! I SHOULD be seeing a psychiatrist/psycholigist.,but I am not! My last one quit back in January! She went somewhere else to make more money,or some hack doctor pi**ed her off....whatever.

     It is now more than four months since I have seen anyone! Needless to say,I am MORE than a little "antsy". Oh well,what the hell! So I sooner-or-later make a bunch of people famous??? Life sucks anyway. You couldn't understand,or wouldn't want to. Who cares? Certainly not me. I guess it is just one of those weeks! Screw that,it has been one of those lives!!!  God,how I hate people! I hate to go anywhere because of inter-acting with all of the idiots out there!  Screw 'em,that's what I say!

        They can all go blow each other! At least if you are reading this,you have SOME taste left! Dignity?? Hell,I lost that years ago! I seem to be on a roll tonight! Read my poem,you'll see just how I really feel!


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