Sunday, May 16, 2004

The End Of the World as we know It

                                                 The End

I don't care about any of you anymore-

Kicked around,and treated like society's whore.

All of you bore me,make me mad-

Move out of my way,before you wish you had!

Who is it that this man hates?

All of you,it is too late!

The time has come,say the voices in my head-

"Finish it,leave no one to even mourn the dead!"

I don't care how much you cry or weep-

To me,you are all just sheep!

Who will survive,when all is done?

Very few--just six plus one!

So,come on,I'll give you your few minutes of fame-

But you won't enjoy it,what a shame!!


This is an original work by me---it is NOT your's,you did NOT write it,I did. You may use it,but put MY name to it! You MAY NOT use my works for ANY profit,unless you cut me in!

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