Thursday, May 20, 2004

Life Still Sucks!!!

Well,if things didn't SUCK bad enough,my mom decides to call me today. Six months ago she called to cuss at me for over an hour,and proceed to tell me I need to be reminded just HOW MUCH she hates me.....ok. So,I let this go on for over an hour,then I finally ask her if she is finished;she said yes,so I hung up. So much for mother-son relationships!

       I put that behind me for the time,untill today. She calls up and tells me that her boyfriend has beaten her up,and I need to do something about it.....Huh???

        I tell ya', that Karma is a bitch!!! "As ye sow,so shall ye reap" I'm out.....

                                              Holla' If You Hear Me!!!

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