Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Why Can't Women Give a Straight Answer?

 Ok, it's time to piss off all the women, again! My wife had some tests ran at the hospital this morning(everything turned out fine). When she was finished, it was nearly time for lunch, so I asked where she would like to eat. I knew better than to ask, but I guess I am just a glutton for punishment. I got the standard "I don't care" answer.


             Any man that has even known a woman, let alone been married to one for any length of time, knows that is a loaded answer! "I don't care" means this; You better know ALL my favorite places, you better know what I like and when I like it, AND, you better take into consideration what I am wearing, and my mood at this time! That is a lot of shit to remember, girls. No wonder we(men) screw up so much!


          Ask a man where he wants to eat, and he will say, "I don't care". And he MEANS JUST THAT! He really doesn't care. He is hungry, and all he knows is that SOMETHING will have to die to give him the meat that he wants! We are just that simple, ladies! We say what we mean, and you need no imagination to figure us out. Now, why can't women be the same way?


            If you want a big ol' chunk of steak, then just say so! If sushi is on your mind, then tell us! And if you only want a salad to pick at as we men devour some part of a poor, dead animal, then just say so! Men, try to get your head around this concept; a woman will very rarely give you a straight answer. I guess that is why we like them so much? Who knows!


                              Holla' If You Hear Me!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yea...who knows!!