Monday, September 18, 2006

It Finally Happened---

         Well, the other shoe finally fell the other day. I am talking about my house insurance, of course. What a lot of people don't know is that insurance companies have been dropping people in my area like flies since Hurricane Katrina last year.


              If you are "lucky" enough to not lose your insurance, then the company will invariably cut your coverage, and expect you to still pay full price. Now, I don't know about you folks, but usually, when I get screwed like that, there is at least dinner and a movie involved! Maybe even some foreplay. Not with these guys.....sheesh!


               I think it is time for someone to step up and say, "no more". we pay a LOT of money for insurance, and then they come along and cut the coverage in HALF??? Something isn't right about that. Even my car insurance took a hit. That went up by 25%!! I live at least six hours from the coast, but I, and others like me are feeling the effects from one hurricane! So many cars were lost that ALL the major insurance companies upped their rates here!


            Now, I thought insurance was a gamble----I'm betting that sometime I might have to use it, and the company is betting that I won't. Why in the fuck is it that I lose either way? The House(ins. company), takes all ties? It sucks, it really does.


Holla' If You Hear Me!!!

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