Saturday, September 9, 2006

Losing Gracefully...or not

       With my latest stay in the "nut ward", I met a woman of the same years as myself. I can't repeat her name here, because of the policies of the hospital,(policies that I agree with). This lady lost her son of 25 years just 15 months ago to a drunk driver. She was probably one of the saddest people I have ever met.


             This lady is carrying so much hatred for the person that killed her son that it is eating a huge hole right through her. I really felt badly for her. I explained that my mother was murdered just two years ago, and her killer got away with it. The person who killed her son is still free, also.


            I know about hate. I know just what it can do to you, and just how it can drain the life from you. Yes, I am very intimate with that emotion. Unfortunately for her, that lady is becoming far too familiar with it. The saddest thing in all of this? I tried to tell her what she was doing to herself, but she refused to listen. I guess you have a credibility issue when you are a "client" yourself. But I have been down that road. It twists, turns, and even doubles back on itself. It is a road to nowhere, and I have been there.


          I hope that lady sorts out her life, I really do.  I would really hate to experience losing a child. I guess that is every parents fear at some point. I feel for her, I really do.


               Holla' If You Hear Me!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


When my 17 year old beautiful daughter died there were times I didn't want to live.  I just didn't feel I had the strength to go on but those were the times that I was carried in the arms of my Savoir.  and later He guided me into starting the first chapter of Compassionate Friends, a support group for parents who child had died, in North Carolina.  

My heart goes out to this lady and I pray that she will find peace.

So sorry to hear you were back in the hospital.  Just know that you are in my thoughts.
