Thursday, August 25, 2005

Today In Our World

    Well, who has the honor of being first on my shit-list today??? I say that goes to Mr. Bush. That's right, the Prez. Mr. Bush, a word of advice; talk to this lady that has staked herself out on your doorstep! Hell, you are on "vacation", take a minute to address this greiving mother. Just hold a press conference if you are afraid of it going sour in a face-to-face interview.

           This lady, along with others, just wants some answers. A government of the people, by the people, and for the people, is what our country is based on. You have elected to become NONE of these things. Oh, wait, you were NEVER ELECTED in the first place. That must make you a "DICKtator".  Carry on......

              Now, on to Mr. Pat Robertson. The "Moral Voice for America". A so-called "christian" calling for the MURDER of a country's leader?? Shit, I knew I would end up liking this asshole sooner or later!!

                We need more like him! Religous leaders who aren't afraid to go the extra mile. Guys who can get tough and pull out religion as a murder weapon!! Hoorah!! I bet that is the last time they let "good ol' Pat" go on the air un-scripted!!! Hell, throw out Bush, and put Pat in to bat!! I bet he would clean up some of this crap!!!

              Well, that is my two cents worth for today. Oh, by the way, you folks in Florida take cover, seems Mother Nature isn't finished messin' with you yet!!  Be cool, everyone!! Till next time....


                   Holla' If You Hear Me!!!

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