Wednesday, January 26, 2005

No Subject

 CRAP!! I guess today is one of those "down days". The worst of both worlds. Whatever the hell is wrong with me takes weird swings... one day you are up here..........





The next day, you are down here. My stereo is so loud right now that it is literally shaking the walls. It isn't enough. It's never enough on days like this. Your brain sort of does what it wants to. It tends to forget everything else, puts itself into nuetral,and floors the gas! Your mind simply screams, out of gear, for what seems like forever. Unless you have experienced this "sound", you can never imagine what it is like.

  The scary thing about this? I am beginning to like these "down days". I  feel like I can do anything, and NONE of it is good. Believe me, if you had even a tiny idea of what goes on in my head, you would know instantly what a very bad idea it is to have me in one of these "moods". Here's a little hint...."Pleased to meet you, hope you guess my name".

  Now, to see just what I can get into-----

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