Tuesday, April 25, 2006

...And Then the other shoe Dropped...

   So, have you seen the news lately? I don't believe everything that the "talking heads" on the tube tell me, but I find the latest scandal to be just that, scandalous!  Would someone save us from our "elected" officials?


            Now, far be it from me to criticize, or belittle our government officials,(wink, wink), but it seems that F.E.M.A. now wants over seven million dollars returned to them!! The report that I heard said that this money went to people in Texas, mistakenly, of course, for fixing up vacation homes!!!  Now, stop writing the hate mail, I did not say that the good people of Texas were doing anything wrong. Hell, I think Texas took in the most survivors from hurricane Katrina. This is just another example of how pitifully our gov't is being run.


         F.E.M.A. dropped the ball on this one from the start...slow response, no one who knew just what to do, the head of F.E.M.A. resigns right in the midst of one of the worst natural disasters in ages. People going without food and water for days, even weeks. Folks stuck in flooded areas for days on end, without supplies. This whole thing has been a debacle! F.E.M.A. has a real emergency; they need look no further than their own offices to find it! The Salvation Army store where my wife works had clothing and other supplies to folks in southern Mississippi BEFORE F.E.M.A. even showed up! That is just wrong!


            You know, I don't care if the people in office are Democrat or Republican....just do your damn job! I think ALL of them should be fired, and some people with common sense be put in these offices! For shit's sake, we STILL have people living in motels!! Whole families!! Imagine spending seven or eight months in ONE ROOM with your whole family! No one could withstand that kind of strain! So, Washington, STOP FUCKING AROUND!!! Get these people some help, now!!!


                 Holla' If You Hear Me!!!

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