Friday, December 31, 2004

Another Year

  Here we are, faced with the prospect of another year....another set of problems, and the old ones we carry with us. I always hear that a lot of suicides happen at this time of year. Are you kiddin' me? C'mon, don't puss out on me now!!  Stick around, see just what I come up with next.

 I am working on a tribute to old Bikers like myself. It should be fairly good. Ahhhh, the good times that I had with my uncle, and all of his "cronies" when I was young. Can anyone out there remember going to protest rallies against helmet laws? Shit, I can!!

    We used to go to the capital building in Lansing Michigan,(only a few blocks from where I lived), camp on the lawn if we had to!! Damn, all of that is gone!

    Full nights of partying, that sometimes turned into DAYS of partying! Typical line from that time--"What is this party for"?  "Hell, it's Tuesday"!!!  Man, sometimes I miss that shit, but just about that time my daughter, wife, or grandchildren will bring me back to reality, and I remember why I left all of that.

  Would I ever change anything in my life?  NO! I might not have gotten married the first time, but even THAT taught me some lessons!  First, and foremost, divorce is a woman's idea!! It has to be. How else can you explain how a woman can marry a man, then, within two years, leave him, and get everything???  Bwahahaha!!!

If you read this, and are thinking of doing something 'not so smart'  for whatever reason, just think about this. I have been at the lowest that a person can get. At just 19 years old, I was carrying two (2) bottles of whiskey with me everyday to get through an eight-hour shift, at some shitty job that I hated.

I woke up one morning and looked into the mirror....what I saw staring back at me was truly frightening! I quit drinking, quit the drugs, and held my head up high. I didn't get rich, but I learned that whatever happened from that moment on, I would control it! Good or bad, it was up to me!!

 To this day, I own an old foot-locker. I bought it when I was just 17. Everything I used to own would fit into that old trunk. I keep it to remind me of just WHERE I came from.

  So, stick with me, guys and girls! Even if you never leave comments. If my writing can touch just ONE life, then I have fulfilled my purpose here on this shitty little rock we call Earth.

   Follow your heart, and it could lead you to magical places!

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