Thursday, April 12, 2007

You Might Be A Redneck.....

 Funny as it sounds, I am occasionally reminded just why I moved back here years ago. Whether it is the quiet lifestyle I lead, or the option to pick up a gun and go hunting whenever I want, or the simple pleasure of just going fishing within five minutes of my home. There are any number of reasons for moving here being a good idea. Yesterday was no exception. Although strange to some of you, what happened yesterday was quite normal for this part of the world.


           My driver's license expired on Tuesday, the tenth of April, because of my birthday. My wife's license will expire next Tuesday, the seventeenth. So, we decided to drive the fifty miles(one way) to have our licenses renewed. Having secured our licenses, and endured waiting in a room where everyone was a cop(quite naturally, I don't like cops!), we were headed home. As we came through one of the small towns(population of about 300), I noticed a police car in front of us. It was a "plain" cop car. So plain that they stand out! I told my wife not to get too close to him, when his brake lights suddenly came on.


               Well, he stopped, right in the middle of the highway. I was about to lament at how the cops mess with everybody, when, out of the corner of my eye, I spied a small, black figure in the road. It was coming from the left side, and going all the way across the highway. Cat? No. Dog? No. Child? No. It was a damn CHICKEN!!! A cop, and ALL THE TRAFFIC BEHIND HIM, stopped to let a damn chicken cross the road!!!


                  As my wife continued on driving, I pondered out loud, "so, why DID the chicken cross the road"? To which my wife answered, "to hold up traffic for a couple of seconds"! The chicken made it to the other side, unmolested by any of man's horrible machines, and everyone had a good laugh! And, I hope you had one, too.


                           Holla' If You Hear Me!!!

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