Saturday, April 14, 2007

You're Kiddin' Me, Right?

 So, Mr. Imus was fired by CBS...hmmm, let's look at that for a moment, shall we? And, yes, before I am finished, there will be blood. Mostly that of CBS, and a few others. That is figuratively speaking, of course.


              To Mr. Imus I say this...fuck 'em! I will show how CBS has a large double standard, and Mr. Imus can rest easy in the knowledge that he has not committed nearly as bad a faux pas as the heads at CBS. He should never have been fired; hell, he should have been rewarded!


                So, let's look at just what Mr. Imus said. He said, and I am paraphrasing here, that the Rutgers women's basketball team was a bunch of "nappy-headed hos". I need to take a minute here to agree with him. Who the fuck even pays attention to women's basketball? Ahhh, quit getting pissed off! Righteous indignation just doesn't work with me. If anyone thought seriously about women's basketball, then they would be pulling down millions of dollars, just like their male counterparts! Since they aren't, shut up.


             Now, to continue. Doesn't CBS own several recording labels? Yes, they do. Do some of those recording labels include hip-hop, and rap music? Yes, they do. Do people in rap music use "hos", "bitches", "sluts", and other derogatory terms for women? Yes, they do. So, for CBS, it is ok for rappers to do it, but not a white man to do close attention here, it gets far worse!


             Let's say I go outside my home and use the "N Word" to refer to a black man. Well, fuck me, I just commited a hate crime. Let the same black man say that word, and it is ok. As a matter of fact, let that black man call me a "cracker", "honkey", "white-bread", or something along those lines, and it is ok. What the fuck? I'll tell you what it is...Political Correctness. That bastion of the fucking liberals! I am not much into politics, but even I know that the dammed liberals are killing America!


              Look, stop with the damn double standard! If one type of person insults another, don't impose harsher punishment on the one over the other. Make it a level playing field. If I attack a black man, it is a hate crime here. If, however, the black man attacks me, it is just an assault! That is pure bullshit! If I attack someone, it is because THEY FUCKED UP! I have no feelings toward them one way or the other, except for that moment when they fucked up. And besides, I still don't hate them, I am too busy kicking their ass to hate them!!!


              And, while we are at it, why do black people nearly always riot, and burn things down when they don't get their way? Don't believe me? Remember Rodney King? How do you think O.J. got off with two murders? The police and mayor of L.A. didn't want a repeat of the Rodney King riots! You know it as well as I do. What about the riots in Watts, back in the sixties? What about Memphis, Tenn. in 1968 after Martin Luther King was killed? I lived in Memphis at the time. Martin Luther King was NOT a man of peace! Memphis was very nearly burned to the ground!!! Man of peace my Aunt Sadie! Hell, they even brought in the Military to stop the burning, looting, and rioting! Doesn't sound like a man of peace to me.


              There are also two protaganists in the world of black leaders that need to go away. You know who they are as well as I do. Reverend Al Sharpton, and Reverend Jesse Jackson. These men have repeatedly made far too much of nothing, and played to the media to hype things up. These two men need to step down, and shut the fuck up! We should NEVER hear from these two assholes ever again!


            Do I hate black people? Not really. I am just trying to make the point that white people bend over backwards to pacify them, and we only get kicked in the ass for it! Look at what they do in their own neighborhoods. They kill each other like it is nothing! They deal drugs, even to their own! People will read this and say that I hate black people...I could care less. But, I am sick and tired of the double standard. Just be fair, not one sided.


                                Holla' If You Hear Me!!!


Anonymous said...

"Look at what they do in their own neighborhoods. They kill each other like it is nothing! They deal drugs, even to their own!"

......and that's the bottom line, cause BOB said so!

Anonymous said...

AMEN to that!! i totally agree with you.
i think you are exactly right in everything you just said!

Anonymous said...

You are 100% right!!  I only wish more people had common sense instead of always trying to be politically correct.