Saturday, July 16, 2005

Stupid People

........So, there I am, standing in line at the not-so-local Wal-Mart, waiting to  check out. My wife and youngest daughter are with me, naturally. Ahead of me, there is a young lady,(20-ish), she has maybe 10 items. This should go very quickly, I start to think....I was very wrong.

           It seems that the lady working the register is a life-long friend of the young lady, and they have picked this precise moment to start catching up on missed time!! Let me just go ahead and get this out of the way; Women talk too damn much! Every man says it....there is a reason for it!

          Ok, so, I think to myself, "self, Wal-Mart wants it's personnell to be courteous to the customers, so overlook this transgression onto your time". With that in mind, I stand patiently as these two "ladies" decide it takes 15 minutes to check out 10 or 11 items. I am fairly pissed-off by the time the total is finally tallied, but I continue to bite my tongue. By my way of seeing things, the wait is finally over......hmmmm.

               When she is told the total, the young lady all of a sudden says,"Oh, I want to write a check!!!!".  I just damn near exploded into one of the worst cussing tirades anyone has ever heard, but there is a swift, and somewhat painfull kick to my ankle. You guessed it....the ever-vigilant wife is on duty! I'm not sure just how she knew, but my wife KNEW what was coming next from me, hence the kick.

              I mean, c'mon on!! Is this the FIRST TIME this chick has been to a store? What the hell was she doing for the last 15 minutes?? She could have been making the check out during that time. Hell, I could have written a friggin' NOVEL in that amount of time!! And, what the hell, Wal-Mart fills out the check for you! All you really need to do is sign it! But, no! This chick takes another 10 minutes to fill it out completely, talking all the time!!

           By this time, the fact that this "girl" is BLONDE is starting to sink in! I casually point this out to my wife, who promptly tells me to shut know, sort of through her clenched teeth!! I also noticed that the young girl DID NOT buy any chewing gum. That was a good thing, because she would SURELY have had to sit down to chew it!!  (for those of you who might be as challenged as this young lady, I was saying that there is NO WAY that she could "chew gum and walk at the same time"!!!)

            Oh well, there is always tomorrow.....and other stupid people!


Holla' If You Hear Me!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOL, John I use to be a cashier at Wal Mart and I have seen those people. Not me ofcourse, I just wanted to get customers out of there as fast as possibel. I have also seen guys who wives aren't as fast as your in the kicking area. Makes for a nice show