Thursday, July 7, 2005


 FUCK!!! I am so damn sick of these fuckin' terrorists!!!!!  The slimy bastards bombed London this morning. This is only my opinion, but I think they had cells in each of the cities that were being considered for the 2012 Olympics. Whichever city won the bid was bombed. It was intended to send a CLEAR message----nowhere is safe.

       I say to hell with them. These daffy bastards believe they can get to "heaven" by killing innocent people! I don't particuarly agree with our President, and some in his "Cowboy Cabinet", as I have called it. Let me say this very carefully; Mr. Bush, PLEASE, NUKE THE SHIT OUT OF THESE FUCKIN' ASSHOLES! We are THE SUPERPOWER---let's start acting like it! Blow these bastards off the face of the Earth!!

        Genocide, plain and simple! I will make no bones about it. Just put it out there. I can't think of a single country, save for their "Muslim Brothers", that would object. Well, maybe the French, but who gives two shits about those damn frogs, anyway!

        Think of the impact this would have had if New York had won the bid! I believe a second incident there would literally tear that city apart. These assholes need to be stopped right now. This didn't even happen in the U.S., and I am pissed! I would PERSONALLY drop the nukes on them. Hell, I would even ride one in, ala, Dr. Strangelove!!!

        When I was in the U.S. Army, I worked on tanks. Let me tell you right here, there is a special kind of crazy that drives a tank crew to do what they do. And they all, to the last man, LOVE what they do!!! And they are damn good at what they do. I say to let our Armor run amuck in Iraq for a few weeks. Fuck the Geneva Convention!! No other country has ever adhered to it, why the hell should we???

         Those soldiers that were tried for "cruelty to prisoners" in Abu Gharib??? Give 'em all some medals, and put them back to work!!! We are talking about people(and I use that term loosely), who have no problem torturing people 24 hours a day, just for giggles and grins!!

           Kill them all, and let "Allah" sort them out! They don't deserve to be alive and taking up space! This is my humble opinion. I know I am not the only one who feels this way......


          Holla' If You Hear Me!!!

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