Saturday, April 30, 2005

Starting Over?

  Well, here we are. I am still here and at this point in time I am officially into a new "job". My oldest daughter wants (needs) to work this summer, so I have taken up the challenge of caring for my two (2) grandchildren.


  Challenge, how can THAT be a challenge?  My wife works every day, so I am all alone with them. I can rebuild the engine from a bike  or, yes, I CAN change diapers. The little girl is four (4), so she does pretty much for herself. She is also very adept at telling Pop-Pop when he is doing something wrong with the little boy--he is 15 months.


     Now, about that little boy..........there is NOTHING that he won't get into. Kitchen, bathroom, bedrooms, if you can name it, he is into it! Ever spend 10 hours a day chasing a 15 month old boy around? The first three days I watched them, my calves burned at night! I was also able to fall asleep as soon as I lay down!


    So, to answer the questions from a friend of mine, (Ms. J.), I am doing better, and will try to continue to do so. Also, my daughter likes my fees.....I, of course, work for free.


  Be kind to others, but most of all, be kind to yourself. We sometimes forget to do that.


Anonymous said...

OMG John I didn't mean for you to take on the worlds hardest job.  Good to hear you are doing good.

Mz J

Anonymous said...

Uh-oh....hmmmmm, you are taking on quite a role there Grampa!  Good are gonna need it with a girl and a 15 month old...