Wednesday, November 2, 2005

Dammed if you do....etc.

 So, here I am, online, and yakking at you. Through the "magic" of 'ma Bell', I have purchased "Unlimited Long Distance Dialing", for the ridiculous price of more than $70.00 per month. This way, when I dial out on my pc, it doesn't cost me over $600.00 per month! (and believe me, they tried to charge me that much my first month!) Crooked bastards!

                  So, I ask, why is it that when I actually make a call to someone, and it is long distance, I am charged for it? Plus state tax, federal tax, and some kind of 'sur-charge'? I swear, if 'Ma Bell gets any closer to me, I will need some Vaseline, and a Latex Condom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Even my wife rarely gets that close to me! Someone is getting screwed, and I think it is ME! And I ain't even getting kissed! Shit, I ain't even getting a reach-around!

                 Funny thing. I learned that it was illegal to have a monopoly on something in the fifth grade. When I asked the teacher "why is the Bell Telephone Network not considered a monopoly", I was told that it was 'different' for the telephone company. I never understood that; a monopoly is still a monopoly. In 1978, the U.S. Government proved my point for me. I guess teachers don't know everything!

           Now, we have a 'diversified' telephone company. This seems to mean that Bell Telephone Company can screw everyone as THEY see fit. Oh, sure, there are 'other' phone companies, but Bell still holds all of the cards. Ain't America great?   Questions, comments, abusive remarks? You know where to find me!!!!!!!


        Holla' If You Hear Me!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It seems like the phone co, satellite, cable, and cellular companies all have these hidden fees and charges. They quote you over the phone with what seems like a reasonable price and when the bill arrives - OMG! it's like and extra 20.00 in fees!

Bend over and pass the Vasoline!!!!!