Thursday, November 3, 2005

"On the Cheap".

   Gather 'round, children, and listen to my tale of the cheapest man alive. Umm, that would be ME, in case you are wondering. If anyone knows anything about me, it is two things---I am a pack-rat, and I am cheap! I never throw out anything. If I can't fix it, then surely it has parts that I will need later on! This keeps me in constant conflict with the wife.

              Last week, we had a small fan to quit working. I said I would "get to it" sometime or other. This is standard 'man-talk'; it simply means that we will have a look at it, and determine if it can be fixed...with no cost to us. Seeing as how us men are so much smarter than women, we can sometimes fix these little things!!(you can stop laughing  now)

             So, I bring the fan in today, did I mention that it rained last week? While this fan was on the porch? Yes, I have a porch, I am a redneck, remember? Anyway, I bring it in, and completely dis-assemble it. The darn thing was clogged with hair! This has long been a problem with fans in my house. Both of my daughters have hair down past their knees. It seems that their hair just gets into everything.

                Well, I was able to bring the little fan back from the dead. Yes, he is sitting in my kitchen, just humming along. I do this frequently with small home appliances. People tend to throw things out that still have a usefull life. I still own the little hand mixer that someone got us when we got married 23 years ago. And, yes, it works! I have had to take it apart, and grease the little bearings in it, but it still works!

             I guess that I am fortunate that I am able to fix things that go wrong. I used to work on cars. In the Army, I was a diesel mechanic. Tanks, trucks, whatever. All this, and I make jewelry too! I guess you could say that I have it all!!


               Holla' If You Hear Me!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I had no idea you were in the Army. Tell us more.........