Monday, May 23, 2005


I have raised two lovely girls. One has left home to start her own family, the other is 13 years old, and still at home. The youngest is big enough to take care of herself, so no worries there. My job as a parent was almost finished. ALMOST.


     Almost is the worst word in the English language. I will try to help you see just how that is so.


      My two daughters fell under my care, and my protection. It wasn't their fault that they were born. The way I have always seen it, they owed me nothing....I, on the other hand, owed them everything. I still expect nothing of my girls. I know that I can be a hard man to get along with. Sorry, it's just the way that I am. I, in turn, tried to provide all the things that two little girls needed through the years. They didn't always get everything they WANTED, but they were well provided for. Even if I had to pull off some "shady" things....we do as we must.


     Now, I have two more little ones who have come into my care and protection. But, they are grandchildren. Here is where "almost" comes in. I was only "almost" finished raising children. Thank the Gods I wasn't completely finished!  I feel a renewed spirit, a new direction, a reason to live. I know, it makes no sense at all to me, either. I was ready to just give up. But these two little ones turn to me in the daytime for, love, shelter, protection, comfort, you name it, they get it from me.


     I give all of this freely, without constraints, and without them ever owing me a debt. These little ones owe me nothing, for they give so much in return already. Is it unreasonable for a man like me, with my background, to feel like this? I think not. Besides, if anyone tried to harm them, I would have lots of fun reaching down their throat, grabbing them by the asshole, and turning them inside-out!!  That usually gets rid of a LOT of stress instantly.


        Look around you......there are far more reasons to keep fighting than there are reasons to just give up. Trust me on this....I speak from personal experience.  Questions? Comments? Abusive Remarks? Let me hear them!!

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