Monday, November 27, 2006

The Versatility of the "F" Word

Some of my readers(minions) and friends know me far too well. As a person who uses the "f" word as both a noun and a verb, I can attest to the "flexibility" of this word(pun intended).


        One of my friends sent me something that I will share with you, the reader. If you thought I knew how to use this word, then you were mostly correct. I have since learned so much more than I thought I knew!! Now, this link contains examples of the "f" word, If you can't handle it, then DO NOT click on it.


           If, however, you are open to becoming more "enlightened" to the multitude of uses for this, the most fascinating of words, then, by all means, click on the link.


             Holla' If You Hear Me!!!

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