Tuesday, January 17, 2006

....And You are mad Because??

Ok, this has got me really bugged. People are STILL bitchin' about the President using "illegal" wiretaps to listen in on phone calls. Excuse my stupidity, but after the events of 9-11-01, can you blame them? This issue puts me on the wrong side of the fence---the side with George Bush and his "Cowboy Cabinet", as I call them.

                 We, as Americans, want to be safe, but we want ALL of the freedoms in the world. Well, you can't have both without stepping on some toes. Hell, I expect that even my activities in this journal are monitored. As many times as I have spoken out against the leaders of this country, I would almost be disapointed if they weren't! So what if a few thousand international calls were listened to?

                 It has been known for many years that the gov't has these large computers that monitor EVERY CALL in the U.S. Don't any of you watch the "Discovery Channel"? They even showed the computers a few years back! ALL CALLS are monitored, certain words will be caught, or recognized, by the computers, and those calls containing those words are singled out for further scrutiny. It's simple, people, we have been monitored for many years.

                   Did you know that every cell phone and computer sold here in the U.S. contains a small chip to let the gov't slip in the "back door"? It is called the "Clipper-Chip". Or, at least, that was the last name I heard it called. During the first Iraqi war, back in '91, do you think it was just good work by our armed forces that brought Saddam down so quickly? It was partly due to them, but the gov't let it be known, after the war, that all of the computers the Iraqis were using were from the good old U. S. of A.

                At the start of the hostilities, a signal was sent to those computers, and they all crashed! "Strike from within". One of the most common, and often overlooked, strategies for fighting a war! Take away the enemies eyes and ears, and you WILL defeat him quickly. How do I know these things? Well, the discovery channel for one, and from a little book titled "The Art of War",  by Sun Zu. Pick it up sometime, and give it a read.

                You will most likely NOT find it on Oprah's reading list, but it is a good book. I find advice in there that I can use every day. So, let's stop pissin' and moaning about how the gov't is abusing our rights, and focus on the problems at hand...namely stopping terrorists from killing anymore Americans.


                Holla' If You Hear Me!!!

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