Tuesday, August 17, 2004


"Welcome to the Land of Conformity". What qualifies me to say such a thing? Welllllll, glad you asked!! Gather 'round, kiddies. Listen to my tale of woe...of my disgust with the human race at large!! And I have a message from a friend of mine, HER NAME I WILL USE!!!  I really like this friend for speaking her mind! I have never met her face to face...but she is like me...NO BULLSHIT! She tells you just like it is! She has had my back more than once in cyber-space! I know if a shot comes at me from behind, she is my wing-man here on the'net!! So far she is an ACE!  Stand up!! GIve it up for  MICHELLE!!!!!! Later on, I will have a lesson from her to add to this.

  This past Sunday, I had the Honor of going with my lovely wife to our local "town", about 30 miles from where I live. The name of the town?? Believe me, you have never heard of it. While we were in a large chain-store,I refuse to use their name, and advertise for them for free.I will say this...they have stuff wall-toWal,and are a very large Mart! So, here we are walking around. My wife is shopping, I,on the other hand, am messing with the security people who ALWAYS start to follow me as soon as I come through the door!

       I look "different" to them. Different enough that I warrant at LEAST THREE security people whenever I walk in!! While all of this is going on, I notice an inordinate number of people staring at me...MORE than usual. I asked my wife if I had something on me...no,not that. Then I noticed...they are all in "Church clothes"! That's it!! This "Abomination of Humankind" has actually DARED to show up on "their day"...the day that everyone pretends to be one big happy family. To CONFORM!  Dress nice,go to church,then go to the local restaraunt. CONFORM...CONFORM...EVERYONE BE THE SAME...ZOMBIES OF SOCIETY.  I did NOT belong, I did NOT CONFORM!!!  Had I NO SHAME?? There I was, muscle shirt, large arms,hairy, tattooed,beard,black pants and shirt, black do-rag with flames,large chain wallet. all five feet ten inches, 250 pounds of me, In all my shining glory!!  GOD HELP THEM ALL, I was "different!! This just could not be!!

     You could have taken the top off of the whole place, and spotted me in one second!! I watched them, these "conformists", and the ONLY thing that cameto mind was..."DANCE,MONKEYS,DANCE!!!".  I swear that I saw puppet-strings on all of them. They were plastic, fake,zombies. Stepford Wives?? Hell, even THEY would have been out of place!! Now I know just WHY I sleep in on Sundays!! Not a single person stood out that morning....NOT ONE!!! It was literally a huge bowl of vanilla pudding,and a fly had just landed smack-dab in the middle of it! That much conformity is just too much for me! I made jokes about every single one of them!!

        I swear, if a young guy with a Mohawk haircut came in, I would have made him run up and down the aisles with me, just to scare the shit out of some of them!!!! I think NOW is a good time for Michelle to give today's lesson.

         Michelle says: "Conformity makes slaves of us all!! When Chaos reigns, Anarchy RULEZ!!! And I will be on the front lines screaming "Anarchy, Anarchy, Anarchy"........OK, Michelle, I think they get the idea.

        No, I DO NOT conform to the everyday rules. I never have, why should I now? Say something stupid to me, expect to get smacked. Expect me to look like you? Riiiiiight! Get a life!!  This country was built on the very foundation that "AMERICANS" did NOT conform to BRITISH RULE!!!  So, Dance, Monkeys, Dance!! But I hear a different drummer.....so does Michelle, and lots of others like us!! My wife doesn't conform, my daughters don't, my grandchildren will not conform!!

         Look at me---I shouldn't write poetry,hell, I shouldn't even be able to make short sentences!!  But I do...I am soo much more than what you see,I just DON'T look like YOU!!!  Please put money in Michelle's hat as you leave....she has a daughter to support!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yea.it has happened to me too...I felt embarassed...humiliated...so I gave them the finger...wife was pissed...Fuck 'em