Monday, November 3, 2008

Still Crap

I still hate this new site. The actual problem is that I hate change, most men do. If it weren't for the fact that I hate change, I would have already walked out on my wife! She deserves no special treatment, as what she did was unforgivable. I will never forve her, nor will I forget.

On a lighter note...oh, wait, there is no lighter note, as she destroyed my life! I am now stuck with a woman that I will never trust again! "Damaged Goods" is all that she good to me.


garnett109 said...

It takes awhile to learn this new site give it time.

Liz in Virginia said...

I hate it too my friend. Its ugly I think too. Sorry your wife done you wrong, my ex screwed my life up too. But like my mom says, you have to pull your self up by your boot straps and walk on, life goes on. But it is hard as hell to do in my opinion.
Take care my new friend,