Monday, February 19, 2007

The Law is Very Clear

 Ahem, excuse me, have you been following this crap about Anna Nicole Smith? It is just scandalous. Fighting over a dead woman's body. I could understand fighting over the little girl of hers, whoever holds the child holds the fortune. Money makes some people do some sad things. Let me tell you a story...


         Just over two years ago when my mother was killed, I was notified by the Missouri State Police of her demise. I spoke to the people at the hospital where she was, and was told that I would have to decide to pull the plug on her. I didn't want to do this as I see it as very bad Karma. I told the hospital staff that my Grandmother was still alive, and it should be her decision, as it was her mother. I thought she would have more right to this decision than I would. I was wrong.


          I was informed that the law is very clear in these matters. "Next of kin" goes like this; Spouse, child, parent, sibling, grandparent, Uncle or Aunt. And after that, I forget. Now, if the law was so clear in our case, why not Ms. Smith's? The man who wants her body is NOT a spouse. Her(Ms. Smith) son died a few months  back, and her mother is the next in line...the law is clear. What is wrong here? I have an idea....oh, come on, you expected it!


             Everyone these days will do anything to get their "15 minutes" of fame. Even the stupid-ass judges in this matter know that the laws for this kind of thing are cut and dried. The mother gets the body, plain  and simple. The things that people in our society will try to pull off these days are just ridiculous. I blame the "Twinkie Defense" from years ago. You remember the case where some asshole killed someone, and his lawyer said it was the sugar from all the "junk food" that he ate? He said that the sugar made his client crazy. Hey, I like Twinkies as much as the next guy, but I don't eat a bunch of them, and then say, "well, who can I kill"? It's bullshit, just a bunch of crap!


            So, in the following weeks, this case of Ms. Smith will get worse. I just can't wait to see what comes from the lawyers in the coming weeks. But try to remember that a soul has been lost in the world. Was she a good soul?Who knows, it isn't up to us to judge her, and it certainly isn't up to others to fight over her lifeless body. The entire race of Humans has been shamed, once again. Can we really be this bad?


                           Holla' If You Hear Me!!!

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