Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Hello, Again

Well, it has been awhile since I was here. I know it has been a long time, quit yer bitchin'! I'll get around to everything, ok? First of all I told you that I found my long lost Uncle that meant so much to me. Well, seems he owns a shop where he makes custom longbows for the general public! I am now the proud owner of one of those bows.


       The workmanship on this bow is out-fuckin'-standing!!! You simply CANNOT get this type of quality in mass-produced items! Oh, by the way, I own no less than three compound bows to go with my custom longbow. Yes, I am part Indian, and I enjoy archery! Who would have thought it? LOL


         Now, on to other things. I recently started baby-sitting for the grandkids everyday! That is soon to be a moot point, as school starts here tomorrow. I don't know if my daughter will send the little boy to pre-school(he is only four years old). I do know that his sister must go, as she will be in the third grade this time around.


        Ok, what about me? What have I been doing with myself? Not much, really. The depression still weighs heavy on my heart and mind...and my soul if I have one. I did manage to send my Uncle, and his brother, a knife that I made for him, and a necklace for his brother! I take each day as it comes, and wonder about the next before it gets here. I am drowning in a sea of apathy, and I don't care.(Some of you will not get that!).


Anonymous said...

Well hello there dude it has been awhile, glad you are back.

Anonymous said...

good to see you back - and I get it...

Anonymous said...

And He Your Uncle Which Is My Great Uncle (I think, Lol) Is Making Me 2 Katichinas!!!