Monday, May 1, 2006

Now That the Shoe is on the Other Foot...

      Mr. Rush Limbaugh, that last bastion of far right-wing conservatism, has, for many years, decried the American Legal System for being too lenient on some criminals. But now that he is facing charges in HIS DRUG CASE, he makes a behind-the-scenes deal  with the prosecutor, to GET OFF LIGHTLY. Hmmmm, what happened to all of your rhetoric, Rush?


           Yes, those that bark the loudest have the most to hide. Someone opened Rush's closet, and the skeletons just fell all over the place!! Hey, Rush, quit crying like a little bitch, and stand up for what you SAY you believe in....stiffer penalties, and longer sentences for criminals!! Isn't it funny how these assholes scream for "justice" untill THEY are caught with their hand in the cookie jar? I say give the bastard at least ten years. That is what a guy like me would be looking at in the same situation.


              Your radio show should be pulled from ALL stations, and you should hide your head in shame!!! You are a two-faced piece of shit, and it is showing!!!


              Now, on to something even more fun. The Mexican people protesting here in the U.S.A. Look, assholes, if it is so bad here, simply walk, swim, crawl, fly, whatever, back across the border to Mexico. I said it before, and I will say it again....if you are an illegal alien in ANY country, then you certainly ARE a CRIMINAL!!! If you don't like the laws here, take your fucking ass back to Mexico!!! Hell, Bill Clinton sent most of the American jobs down there anyway, with that stupid ass NAFTA crap! If you don't like it here, leave! You say you only come here to work, but you are protesting, and walking out on your jobs. Good, I say that some AMERICANS can have those jobs!!


               Holla' If You Hear Me!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You took the words right out of my mouth. My blood pressure was rising while I was reading it! I always thought "rush" was a lot of hot air.

And for the illegal alien - don't get me totally summed it all up very nicely! I applaud you.