Thursday, May 18, 2006

He's Back Again

  Well, alligators have killed three people in Florida so far, and one HUGE, eleven foot long record gator has been caught as of yesterday. But what do I see in the headlines today? Pat Robertson, again! This time, God has "spoken" to him! What a load of bullshit! Please, put away your burning torches and pitchforks, lay down your silver crosses, and let me explain.


            In the Bible that Mr. Robertson no doubt reads from time to time, it plainly says "that no man may look upon the face of God, nor can any man withstand the sound of His voice". Supposedly, if you hear His voice, you go mad and die, or some shit. Well, Mr. Robertson seems to be doing quite well! At this point, I would normally rip into his stupid ass, but I think I will defer today.  It would seem that senility is doing far worse things to him than I ever could.


          Listen, God has never spoken to me. For that matter, neither has Satan, the Devil, whatever you choose to call him\it. None of this shit exists. Heaven, Hell, Purgatory, none of it. How can civilized, rational, thinking people believe this tripe? Have you ever noticed that rich people could care less about religion? There is a reason for that...why waste your money "paying the preacher"? It will NOT get you into Heaven any quicker. Doesn't the Bible say that a rich man has  a better chance of passing through the eye of a needle than getting into Heaven? Why should poor people bear the burden of supporting churches? It just doesn't make any sense!


             Holla' If You Hear Me!!!

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