Wednesday, May 31, 2006

The Old vs. the New

 I am as ancient as the mountains, as old as the seas. Do not count me "old" as in human years, for I am much more than that. I am a kindred soul, and have been on Earth for many lifetimes. I am the Dragon Master, and I see everything. I believe nothing that I am told, and only half of what I see. My many years have taught me those lessons, and many more.


           Most of you think that I am a mere mortal...and you would be mostly right. If I am cut, I bleed, the same as you. If I am hurt in my heart, I  feel pain as you do. If times are hard, I suffer as anyone else would. But, I am wise far beyond my human years, and many refuse to accept that fact. But fear not, I do not think less of them.


               Witness this; when younger men need help with a problem, to whom do they come? Why, me, of course! Wisdom doesn't always come with age...sometimes it takes a bit of research, and just a little luck. You know, being in the right place at the right time to learn a lesson that you can share later. And, sometimes, you are just born lucky enough to know many things!


               Someone once said that I was born 500 years too late...I disagree, I was born at the right time. It just so happens that the "right time" was MANY TIMES in the past! Maybe I will be here in the future? We will just have to wait and see, won't we???


                            Holla' If You Hear Me!!!

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