Monday, May 8, 2006

Regrets? Yeah, I've had a few

  I had a birthday last month. I am now 46 years old. A friend of mine asked me if I had any regrets; my friend is only about half my age. I told him, "Yes, I have a few".  He asked me to elaborate on some of them...never one to be shy, I gladly obliged him. Here are a few.


          I regret that I could not do more for the biker who wrecked right in front of the gas station where I worked one night. This was a biker that I did not know, but he was a "brother", all the same. The only thing I could do was give a description of the car that hit him, and hold him and talk to him untill the ambulance came to take him away. He died later that night in the hospital. Another brother down, another brother gone.


         I regret that my best friend died before I got the chance to see him one last time. We laughed together, drank together, wrestled professionally together, worked together, and lived together. We lived, at the time, for the moment, never thinking about the future, and we loved it!! Wherever you are Jim, boat drinks, buddy, boat drinks!!


             I regret marrying my first wife! We were both too young, and unsettled. I ended up paying child support for twenty years. No, it was NOT worth it. Enough about that.


          I regret that the asshole who ratted me out to the cops once was allowed to live for a couple of years after the fact! I tried to get to him, but he was protected by the cops after he ratted me out. He finally ratted out the wrong person, and he was found with about four inches of steel in his chest. Rats don't get to live---they teach you that on your first day on Earth!!! Fuck him, he got what he deserved. I have done jail time rather than rat on people. No rat gets to live!


               I regret that I spent so many years hating my mom for something that, ultimately, was out of her control. She was how she was, and no one could change that, least of all, me. She simply more, no less.


                That's about it for regrets. If someone got in my way and got hurt, too bad. You can see me coming a mile away, I don't hide what or who I am. If you deal with me and come away with a burn-mark, consider yourself lucky. Others have barely limped away, and some were lucky to just survive the experience!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                           Holla' If You Hear Me!!!

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