Thursday, May 18, 2006

What Have We Here?

....And what is a man unto a woman? Mere sport? A small animal for her to trample under foot at her leisure? Aye, 'tis so, in many lands. Women merely play with men for sport. A woman may give up that holiest of places, but only with the intent of controlling that man! Woe is the fool that falls for this oldest of tricks! For women are many, but the fools are far more!!


           Women may be the mother of all children, but they are surely the death of all grown men!


                     Holla' If You Hear Me!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ouch John, gotta say, that generalization towards women was naughty.  Maybe change it to say, "Some women".  On this side of what I have lived thru, I would be more apt to reverse the word from women to men, if I were to generalize that is.