Wednesday, July 28, 2004

True Love...Real Love...My Love

     "What is 'True Love'"?? I have heard this question many times in my time upon this tiny rock that we live. I will make no statements as to the nature of "True Love". I am neither a scholar, nor a philosopher. I deem myself un-worthy of such lofty discussions. But(and you KNEW this was coming), I CAN tell of my experiences.

    A mere 22 years ago I met a young lady. She was sitting in a window sill,watching me mow my yard. I was fresh out of Basic Training from the U.S. Army. We dated for a while,and were married that summer. I have a wierd sense of humor,so I promised her parades, fireworks, and pic-nics on every we married on July fourth!!

       Over the years, we have seen tragedies on both sides of our families. We both have endured crap from someone on "their" side of the family. It happens,it is just human nature. But along with everything else, we have seen miracles. We have seen two beautiful daughters born to us. So far, the oldest has graduated High School with Honors. She also has two awards from two different presidents of the United States for various acedemic pursuits. She was a member of the BETA Society(smart like her "old man", as she calls me),and has done far too much for me to list here. Not to mention that she is married, and has two beautiful children,and a good husband.

      My youngset daughter? She is only 12,but I am sure she will travel the same road as her older sister before her. Except she doesn't want to be married. She has plans to be a veternarian,and to work with white tigers. Don't ask why, I have NO idea.

         These are just a few of the things that my wife and I have seen. My wife is also my "best buddy". She is always at my side,but knows just when I "need some space". People still wonder why we act the way we do...holding hands in public, playing together, and, yes, I will kiss my wife in public! If you didn't know us, you would swear that we are just dating! It has been that way for 22 years, and I LOVE it!

          I love my wife unconditionally. My wife never misses a day of sending me cards on my computer, by E-mail. And, c'mon, the woman has NEVER lost a sock in the laundry!! That is just incredible! Before I met her, I don't think I ever wore matching socks!! That reason alone is good enough for me!! LOL

          Is this "True Love"? I can't say. Maybe not for some of you...but for us? It has worked so far...I only hope it keeps on working. I would scream it to the world---" I LOVE THIS WOMAN!!!!"  And, as usual, she will be there to say "stop acting like a fool!!!!"

                                      Holla' If You Hear Me!!!

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