My Generation. Let me see. We had NO video games,NO computers,NO bottled water,NO cell phones. We lived....thrived even! When we were kids,being little in the country,we actually threw dirt-chunks at each other. Sometimes,yes,we would connect! Yes,there were bruises,black eyes,and the occasional broken bones. No one ever sued the neighbors because their kid hit your kid. Either the kids had it out,or the dads talked(or fought),to settle things.
Slip on something in the store? People didn't lay there untill 15 paramedics arrived,in five different ambulances. We actually got up,and were sometimes embarrassed at our own clumsiness! Guys could get into fights at bars,and no one would get shot. You might get hauled away by the local cops,and spend the night in jail to cool off. You might even have to pay a fine for "disturbing the peace",but that was about it.
Kids didn't show up at school with their own phones!!! The ONLY people who had "beepers",or "car phones" were doctors! These were the ONLY people who could park anywhere! Some of them would even come to your house if you were sick!(I have actually had the vetranarian come out before,if the old doctor couldn't be found). My 12 year old daughter actually said that SHE needed a cell-phone for school!!! She was promptly told that she was out of her mind!! NO school student is THAT damn important!!
Kids these days are too damn spoiled!! I know kids that take at least $20.00 to school EVERY day!! What for?? I live in a small town,kids don't need that much money! And what about these kids that show up at school with brand-new vehicles? I am talking about $30,000 to $50,000 cars and pick-ups!! What ever happened to kids working in the summer to get some old jalopy,so they could customize it? I did it! Hell,I even rode a Harley in High-School! No one bought it out-right for me. I had to work for it----and it didn't hurt me one little bit!
If you are a teen-ager reading this,then I bet you don't show it to your parents!!! Kids these days are wusses! You have it too damn easy....and you know it!
1 comment:
You know what? After reading this, it puts a smile on my face cause it takes me back to what I knew as a kid. I just wish my kids could have experienced just some of what we had and did. Back then our parents didn't have a lot of money, but we kids had each other and a human bond that kids now days will never have the pleasure of knowing.
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