I play Video Games. Don't like it? Kiss my Ass. Plain and simple. I like them,and they get me out of my "reality" for a little while. Where else can I drive the world's most exotic cars at speeds of over 200 mph? Where else can I be a great warrior, and slay different kinds of animals? Where else can I be a top-notch criminal, and run rampant over an entire city?
If you play, too, then I hope you have been paying attention to the political scene, of late. Do you know a gentleman named Senator Joe Liberman? That's ok, he doesn't know you, either. He doesn't play video games, either. BUT---he thinks he has the right to take them away from you and me! Yeah, I know, hell of a guy, huh? Well, here's the deal...I am 44 years old, and a registered voter. And believe me, I VOTE!! Every chance I get!
I vote AGAINST people like Sen Liberman!! There are others, just like him! I like to read, that is how I find out about guys like this! I have been a subscriber to "Official Playstation Magazine" for over five years! I even am on their "Gamer's Advisory Panel". This is an exclusive club of "Expert Gamers". I have been a member of that since it's inception over a year ago....an "original" you might say!
OK, so what is my point? It's simply this; there are far too many people out there that want to ban Video Games COMPLETELY! Don't let them. If you are of voting age,VOTE!!! Register and VOTE! OH, you don't like an "old man" telling you this? Well,here is some sad news---the video game industry makes more money from people MY AGE than anyone else! That's right, kiddies! Where do you think the kids get all of that money that they spend on games, and peripherals?? Now you're getting it---Mom and Dad!!
But, I don't just buy for my kids---I buy for ME! So, I have an interest in WHO gets elected! YOU should too. What is it they say these days --- "Rock the Vote"? Do it! Get out there and DO IT!! Show them just how much POWER video-gamers can REALLY weild! Shut down these IDIOTS who want to take our games!
Have you seen the ratings on the games? These "ratings" are set forth by the ESRB for video-games. Did you know that people MY AGE come up with the ratings? Did you also know that I will NEVER be accepted on the rating board? They don't actually PLAY the games being reviewed!! The company that made the game sends them footage of the game, and they rate it based on that footage!! Someone like me can NEVER be on the panel because......here it comes........I ACTUALLY KNOW HOW TO PLAY THE GAMES!!!! Can you believe that shit?
They also DO NOT publish a list of WHO is on the ESRB panel!! Let's see here...THEY can infringe upon OUR lives,but WE cannot know who THEY are!! Seems about right! The good ol' U.S.A. Always someone in our ear telling us what is, and isn't good for us!! Freedom is an illusion created by the gov't, to fool the "average idiot" walking around! Wake up, people. Before you know it, "they" will be knocking down our doors, and taking our consoles,and our pc's!!
Stand Up, Fight Back!! VOTE!!!!!
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