Thursday, July 15, 2004

Stupid People

           Let's talk about stupid people. It's not their fault,you know. It just happens to be a birth defect,I think. A couple of weeks ago,a guy really flamed me on the boards of my favorite site that I belong to. If I had done anything to deserve it,I would have let it go. Fact is,I wasn't even on-line that day,having been at the doctor's office that day. So this jerk-wad gets up the courage to flame me!!

         Good for him! At least he was smart enough to do it on-line!! Real-life scenario---he never would have finished his utterly stupid comment. First,I would have stopped him,secondly,it is extremely hard to speak when you are busy swallowing your own teeth! It may be cool to be tough on-line,but I say that it WILL catch up to this moron sooner or later! He will continue to piss people off on-line,and get brave in the real world....bad career move!

           I don't like bullies,and I simply cannot stand people who hide behind a computer terminal,and spout stupid shit to other people,knowing that they can't be found! This asshole even got pissed-off that I tried to re-buff him! He said that he NEVER wanted to hear from me I wrote back to him!! He kept writing letters to me all day! I only wrote back to him just to see how long he would keep on going!! For someone who didn't want to hear from me,he sure wrote a lot of letters!!  I love stupid people! He was too stupid to realize that I was just stringing him along. Dumb-ass jock! Only if he stuck a finger in his ass,would he have a brain!!


                                       Holla' If You Hear Me!!!

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