Thursday, July 22, 2004

Kids who know "everything"

       Wednesday,my little grand-daughter was here at my home. Nothing very special about that in itself, a usual occurence you might say. But she was in the back bedroom with my youngest daughter,and her friend,who were playing video-games. I kept hearing the grand-daughter fussing at them both.

        So,I call her into the living room. After a few minutes,she shows up,standing by the chair,with her hand on her hip. " What do you want?" she says firmly. I am sitting at the kitchen table with a cup of coffee,and I tell her to come to me. "No",she says. "I already know".

         I ask her, "what do you know"?  "Everything", she says! I promptly told her that I was sorry for bothering her,and if she knows "everything", then I can add nothing else! She stuck her nose up in the air,stomped her foot,and went right back to what she was doing! She is only four years old. The reason she said she knows "everything" is because she KNEW I was going to tell her to settle down,and play nicely. I didn't hear anymore noise from the back room,so..........................

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