I have had a few people write to me on my E-mail asking,"when do you get back to you?" Well,I don't consider ME to be so important! If you pay attention,you will realize that this entire exorcise(pun intended) is about my life. That is going to include some other people---so calm down,you will find out more about me.
When last we left our "hero",he had a new wife,and was living back in Mississippi.I worked in factories here. I never got rich,far from it. According to the IRS,my best year,I made only $18,000. This includes working 60 hour weeks,every week. I have never owned a new car---never had the money. I drive a 20 year old Cadillac right now!
Did I bitch and moan about it? No. I found "other" ways to make money at the factories......seems everyone needs to borrow money at some time. I was there. You borrow from me Any day of the week,you owe me the initial loan,plus 50% by Friday. Same scam,different players! What worked up north,worked here. I only ever had to "pursuade" a couple of fella's before everyone caught on......If I don't get paid my money,then you and I had a "quiet talk" out back of the factory.
Funny story: One guy borrows from me,and secretly tells his "friends" he has no intention of re-paying me. Come Friday,he comes to me,with his friends,and tells me he will not pay. Seeing that I was out-numbered,I decided to wait for a better time. I told him he WOULD pay me.Well,he liked to carry a pistol with him,and he had no problem showing it to me,to make his point. I am not about to die for a few dollars from a damn redneck. I waited. And waited. And waited some more. I don't like to be harsh......who am I kidding,that is a lie,I love being harsh.
Finally,he came to work one day,and I noticed he was walking better. He had left his gun at home!!! I knew this because he wore an ankle holster. I grabbed him,stuffed him out a back door,and proceeded to show him the "benefits" of paying your bills on time. I left him lying on the ground,beaten,bloody. And just for meanness----I told him to keep the money,it wasn't important. I had gotten what I came for!
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