Monday, April 5, 2004

Finishing The Story xxx

      When last we left our intrepid biker,he was trying to match wits with "The Dark Prince". Was he winning? Let's see about that.

           "OK,so if you can't grant even one of my wishes,then you don't get my soul". To this the thin man responds,"yes". "Well",starts the biker,"can you go to the Moon?'. "Yes" says the thin man."Well,can you go to any planet,or galaxy that you want to?",says the biker. "And while we are at it,can you find your way back from all of these places",inquires the biker.  " I can find my way back from anywhere in this universe,or any other,my friend" boasts the thin man. "Make your final wish,and stop wasting my time with petty questions" seethes the thin man.

            "Well,for my final wish,I wish for you to get lost",cackled the biker!  Knowing he had been beat,the thin man showed his true form,and screamed at the biker "we WILL meet again,and you shall not be so lucky".  "I can't wait,Devil,I can't wait" laughed the biker,as he gunned the engine on his new bike. He felt lucky......and he knew he had plenty of money to last him!

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