Thursday, April 1, 2004

The Obvious Questions......(x)

    Sit down in the back,and put your hands down. I know exactly what you want to ask. Hey,john,did you do drugs,or drink?? Don't be stupid,poindexter. Let's figure this out rationally. I had NO parents around. My uncle who was taking care of me was a biker. My grandmother thought I could do NOTHING wrong! Now,did I drink? If it came in a bottle or can,it went down me! Did I do drugs? If you could shoot it,snort it,smoke it,or swallow it,I did it! Let me say right uncle NEVER bought me hard liquor,and NEVER gave me drugs. Those were my decisions,make no mistake about that!

       OK,send the kids out of the room. Next obvious question....what about girls?  C'mon,it was the '70's! Think back,all you had to do was look at a girl,and you got what you wanted. I have known many girls,and women,some twice my age! Seems I found something else I was good a young age.OK,enough of that,it sounds too much like bragging,and that isn't good.

         I am trying to keep this fairly clean,so at some places,you will just have to use your imagination.I will not tell you WHY we took trips to Mexico once a month. I will not tell you how some of our guys made money. And various other "nefarious" doings. I will tell you that I had about three and one half years of this,and met my first ex-wife. I gave my bike back to my uncle,and the men who helped build it. It was only fair,after all,they gave it to me. My bike went home,and I moved on to marriage.

          Wait,you mean that is it? A biker for about four years,and you are done???? Of course not! You never stop being in the brother hood. Some guys stay with the life untill they die.Some move on,but will always help a fellow brother anytime. I still look like a biker,always will. But my life went in a different direction. For all the old-timers;I am still a one percenter. Very few people will know what that means,those few are the lucky ones,the ones who will truly know me!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How did you learn words like"nefarious"? As one of your biggest supporters will you share with me what a one percenter is?
Miss Jean