Saturday, April 10, 2004

THE Day---

        Today is my birthday....44 years ago tonight at 11:30 pm.,I started this amazing journey that has brought me to this point in time! And what a ride it has been.You have only scratched the surface of my life by reading these journal entries. There is so much that I have left out; you can read it in my book,if I had a book!

         I have heard people,and doctors say,awww,how could someone go through all of that,and still be around? Remember way back at the beginning when I told you that my mother hated ALL of her children? She often told us she wished we were dead. Well,I made up my mind to REALLY make her mad,and survive! It's the only thing I could think of to really hurt her;live to tell my story,and pray that she finally realizes just what kind of MONSTER she is. Enough of that,today is MY day.

          I will spend the day quietly,and will not celebrate. The reason for this is because my wife's birthday is next week,April 17.That's right,just one week after mine. We usually wait,and celebrate on HER birthday. We celebrate not only our birthday's,but our time together here on this rock that we call Earth.There is nothing I would not do for her,and she knows it.

          Right now,we are in the process of buying a car.......UGH!! Why can't people just say what they mean,instead of all of this back-and-forth crap!? It should be perfectly legal to choke the crap out of car salesmen! My wife keeps reminding me that it isn't........and I keep losing salesmen!

             OK,choice time----some want a photo,some don't.Cast your vote,and we will go from there.Keep in mind,I am just what your mother warned you against when you were young.......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't have anything intriguing or fascinating to add, just simply, so far, I've enjoyed reading your entries and it doesn't matter either way if you put up a photo or not.  If you want to, do it, if you don't, don't.