Women. Woman. Girl. Lady. Female. Here we see five different ways to spell "mystery". Rich indeed will be the man who writes a "Man's guide to Women". The sheer SIZE of the book itself would put the price in the $500.00 range! Can you even IMAGINE the VOLUMES it would take to write something like that?
Women have so many strange ways that we just cannot keep up with them. And,the rules change daily! Ladies,here is a list of "keywords" that will get a man's attention. If you want him to listen to you,just start talking,and throw some of these in at certain points....these words will keep him focused on you. Food,sex,beer,sex,sports,sex,cars,sex,monster trucks,sex,and did I mention SEX?
Men are so predictable. If a man kills someone,it is one of four things money,guns women,drugs.I think drugs actually fits in with money. Men get angry,someone gets their ass whipped,and it's over. Women get mad,that is a different story. She will explode instantly,or she will let it "stew" for a few days...weeks...months,then,well,most of you guys know what happens! Am I wrong? I thought not.
Here is my favorite conversation between man and woman(I should know,I have been here plenty of times),Man; "what is wrong"? Woman; "Nothing" Man;" well,something must be wrong,you aren't talking". Woman; " I said NOTHING". And so it goes for days on end........
I have a proposal; The next time your lady friend does this,don't keep asking! Ask once,and forget about it.Women can't stand that,they are like cats...if you don't pay attention to them,they will be right in your face. Then,if you let her do the talking,you will find out what is wrong. This is just my way of "helping" my fellow man!
Holla' If You Hear Me!!!